Ride Ons & Wagons

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Ride Ons & Wagons

At Myer, we have a wide range of kids ride-on cars and toys to suit children of all ages and interests. From ride-on Tonka trucks to electric tractors, luxury car brands, Disney ride-ons and tricycles, get your little one moving with a toy that encourages active play, creative thinking, and motor skill development.

Are kids ride-on cars safe?

Yes! Kids ride-on toys and cars are perfectly safe when used according to the manufacturer's safety guidelines and under adult supervision. Many ride-on cars have built-in safety features (like seatbelts and adjustable seats) and designated speeds suitable for different age groups to increase their safety.

To use a ride-on car safely, we recommend: clearing a path and removing all obstacles (such as furniture with sharp edges), checking the ride-on car for any damage before each use, adjusting the seat as needed, fastening your child’s seatbelt and adding a helmet.

What is an appropriate age for a ride-on car?

When purchasing ride-on cars and toys for your child, choosing one that’s age-appropriate ensures their comfort and safety:

1-2 years old: This age group is in the early stages of motor skill development, making them more vulnerable to falls. We recommend a ride-on car with supportive seats that moves no faster than a slow walking speed. Ride-ons for this age group are typically used indoors and, if electric, have a low-powered motor and buttons instead of pedals.

3-5 years old: Most children between 3-5 years old have developed the reflexes and motor skills needed to play with a ride-on car with enough power to move at an average walking speed. Children in this age group tend to enjoy ride-on toys that look more lifelike and, if electric, they often have foot pedals, sound effects, and a 6V or 12V battery.

5-8+ years old: This age group has usually developed the necessary coordination and motor skills to play with a ride-on car that’s more powerful. They often enjoy lifelike cars that replicate a realistic driving experience and can manage an electric car with a 24V battery.

Discover our range to have your little one test-drive our ride-on cars today!

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